Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Bon Voyage, 'merica!!

Well, this is it. Welcome to my blog, I'm so glad you found your way here!

In a few hours I'll arrive at the airport, go through security, put my boots back on [because obviously I have a bomb in them], head over to my terminal, sit for an hour or two before boarding, and finally be on my way!! Meanwhile, I'm just counting down the hours and minutes until arrival (not literally, that takes a lot of effort, but instead with a handy countdown app). Everyone back at HSU has started classes again, and hearing about it made me miss them all quite a bit. In addition, my dear friends John and Elya had their first baby on Sunday, and I cannot wait to meet baby Sam when I return! Needless to say, I'm going to miss everyone and am very ready to begin this adventure. These last few days, in between extraordinarily tedious packing, have been a series of "lasts" before making my way to London. My last ping-pong match with my father [who, when he plays ping pong, oftentimes turns into a strange cross between an overzealous Asian man and a cocky football player who can best me easily with his left hand]. My last foreseeable tortilla at my last Mexican restaurant for the next couple months [which was also, coincidentally, my "last supper"-we can be a little over dramatic about this in my family]. And my last British movie/TV show with my mom [these have included, but are not limited to, Downton Abbey, Man vs. Wild, Masterpiece Classics' rendition of Emma, Amazing Grace, and Chariots of Fire]. There are several more, but I'd rather not bore you with all of that.

I guess the next order of business is to answer a couple questions that you may have (and if no one other than my mom is reading this, then I'm sorry mom but you probably already know all of this).

Who is this blog for?
Well, mom and dad, it's for you. And my extended family. And my friends. I realize that keeping up friendships an ocean a part will be extraordinarily difficult; a lot of y'all are important to me, but getting to talk and catch up doesn't always happen the way we wish [shout out to Julia Zaleski, who I've seen on two occasions since the summer of 2008, but who I also will tell anything to and who is one of my dearest friends after all this time]. Therefore, I'll chronicle my adventures and misadventures here, and I'll try to keep up with each of y'all individually as well as I can. I genuinely hope that this blog won't bore you to tears.

Is this a travel blog?
I mean, I guess. This is about my travels, at the very least. I'll ramble about whatever I'm up to, the places I go and the experiences I have. And this may turn into more of a picture blog before too long, despite my less than stellar photography skills, because every so often I run out of words and if the old adage is true, then any pictures will surely make up for that.

Where are you going?
Well, in case you weren't aware, I'm spending the next three months of my life living in the middle of the great city of London. I'm studying abroad, so this isn't simply a vacation, but instead a lovely cross between your typical fifteen-hour college course load and the opportunity to live in a grand city filled to the brim with culture and history. I'm technically still studying with Hardin-Simmons University, as a couple of professors are travelling with us, rather than studying at a university based in London.

How will we keep up?!
I'll still have access to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and my email, and would love to hear from you on any or all of those mediums. In addition, I have the Viber app, which allows smartphone users to call or text for FREE. Please be aware, however, of the six hour time differentiation. I also have a mailing address for those of you who may want to keep up via snail mail! I absolutely adore getting letters, and I promise to send you a postcard at the very least if you do choose to send something my way. You may mail me via the address below UNTIL the beginning of March, at which point I will be residing at a different location.

Pickwick Hall [isn't that just the most adorable name for a place to live??]
7 Bedford Place
London WC1B 5JE
United Kingdom

Any other questions? Just comment below my cliche but totally applicable Dr. Seuss quote or simply ask me!

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